●PUNCTUM: The Emotion of a Detail
Tokyo is a bustling, dynamic city where people are constantly on the move through its streets. With this new exhibition at Jinny, we aim to fill the neighborhood with visual stimuli—glimpses that capture the attention of those rushing by our gallery.
The photographers in this exhibition share images with details so captivating, they stop people in their tracks. These details are meant to catch the eye and draw in those who might otherwise miss them.Our goal is to turn each display case at Jinny Street Gallery into a quiet moment of reflection, offering a brief escape for the busy people of Tokyo.
東京は人々が常に忙しく動き回る街です。「●PUNCTUM: The Emotion of a Detail」は、Jinny Street Gallery中に視覚的な刺激を与える写真を展示し、商店街を歩く人々の目を引くことを目的としたプロジェクトです。
Date / 展示期間
November 15 - December 13 / 11月15日(金) - 12月13日 (金)
Opening Night
Artist Walk & Vernissage: November 15th, 2024, event starts at 19:00 at @NININI. We will leave NININI around 20:00 we will walk through the Jinny Street Gallery together to see the new exhibition.
Exhibiting Photographer :
Alice Zuo @aliceqxz
Alisa Vongola @nebbia_vongola
Beatrice Calastrini @flowersbeatrice
Becky Alp @becky.alp
Chiara Fackler @chiara_fackler
Christoph Mayr @christophmayrfilm
Cristian Jurji @cristianjurjii
David Pereira @davidpereirastudio
Emanuele D’Ancona @emanueledancona0892
Francesco Cavagnino @fra_vega
Gjert Rognli @art_photography_sapmi
Grzegorz Sosinski @fotozwoje
Jairo Alvarez @byjairoalvarez
Jasvinder Singh @persistence.of.light
Jo Voets @jovoets
Judith Jones
Julia Bohle @jubohlephoto
KaT Gallicere @katmoodworld
Luca Maggetti @magets1166
Luca Sorato @umaniurbani
Lorraine Vullo
Maria Romaszkan @mariaromaszkan
Middy Sebolavy @middysebolavy
Sam David @samfelix
Sarah Fuchs @sarah.fuchs
Vareila Mairanga @vareil.a
Þorgerður Jörundsdóttir @thorgerdurjorundsdottir