
Jinny Street Gallery ✕ NININI

March 1–29, 2025

Opening and Creator’s Meetup
March 1, 17:00

The second edition of Michibiki, a collaborative exhibition between the monthly creators’ meetup at ニニニ and JINNY, will also mark the grand finale of an era! Tiny and Tomo will be moving on to exciting new opportunities after March. While the life of the house has been extended for another three years, we want to celebrate ニニニ in its current form. We have all been michibikareta (guided) to ニニニ in one way or another. This exhibition will serve as a memorial to the warm atmosphere of this place, a celebration of what it has been, preserving its spirit long after it has passed.

Project Story


Ninini started when an old house in Jingumae beckoned a passerby, Tiny, as she was sipping her coffee. Then, as if guided by fate, the shop opened its doors on February 22, 2022. Zucca, who hosts the ‘monthly creators meetup’, was drawn into the warm cosy glow of the old house which Tiny was lighting. Enchanted by Ninini, they made a promise to hold events together every month until the house is demolished in 2025.


Jinny Street Gallery

JSG was founded by friends who didn’t know each other before they noticed a series of lonely streetlamps with always empty display cases. “The city is never using those streetlamps as exhibition cases; it would be nice to show my street photos... in the street,” — they thought — “This place is amazing.” A year apart, Lorenzo and Toto had been lured to those streetlamps and hosted their first “street exhibitions.” A few years later, they crossed paths at a dinner with a common friend. One more year later, Jinny Street Gallery had its inaugural exhibition.

JSGも、もともと面識のなかった2人が街灯をきっかけに導かれる様に出会い、始まりました。近所に住むLorenzoとTotoは、それぞれ空っぽの展示ケースがついた街灯を見つけ、「この街灯いいな!」「ここで自分のストリートフォトを展示できたら最高だな」と思い、商店会に交渉し個展を開催しました。そこで偶然にも、同じようなアイデアを持つ者同士がいることを知り、意気投合。そしてその翌年、2人でJinny Street Galleryを設立しました。

What is your Story?

If you are interested in participating and exhibiting at MICHIBIKI, tell us your name and contact information. We’ll reach out soon.

Project Details and Participation Terms

Tentative Schedule

Feb 25: Submission Deadline

Mar 1 15:00: Artworks will be displayed at Jinny Street Gallery

Mar 1 17:00: Opening Party at NININI

Mar 1-29: Walking tours and workshops run by artists

About Artworks

Please note that Jinny Street Gallery is located in a public space; we can not display nude, violent, or explicit pieces.

All types of visual art are welcome—photography, poems, sculptures, painting, mixed media. Anything can feed the following dimensions of our display cases — 28⨉28⨉70 cm.

After Submission

We'll reach out to the email that was specified. If you are local to Tokyo, you can meet us at NININI and ask us anything you want regarding the exhibition. Instructions will be provided by email.

If you wish to participate from outside of Tokyo (or Japan), we’ll do our best to reach out and help you with displaying your art.




3月1日 15:00:Jinny Street Galleryで作品が展示される

3月1日 17:00:ニニニでのオープニングパーティー(アートと音楽あり)



Jinny Street Galleryは公共の場所に位置しているため、ヌード、暴力的、または過度に露骨な作品は展示できません。

すべてのタイプのビジュアルアートが歓迎されます—写真、詩、彫刻、絵画、ミクストメディア。何でも、私たちの展示ケースのサイズ—28⨉28⨉70 cm—に収まるものはOKです。




From “Michibiki vol.1”